Monday, June 17, 2013


Last year my daughter was frustrated because she couldn’t find a job.  My daughter is not a nurse (I wish she was!). She is a phys-ed and health teacher and was trying to secure her first full-time job teaching kids. She was frustrated because, according to her, she’s “applied for a gazillion jobs” but nobody was calling her back!
If you’re a new grad, this probably sounds familiar.

Why aren’t they calling you back?
Consider the following:
·       You are one person out of a gazillion others and they just haven’t gotten around to contacting you.
·       Your application fell through the cracks.
·       Your resume isn’t impressive and you landed in their “no” pile.
·       You failed to submit a cover letter.
·       Your cover letter is awful.
·       They’ve filled the position.

What can you do?
·       Cast your line frequently – the more positions you apply for, the greater your chances of getting a job. Cast often!
·       Get a contact name – When you apply for a job, find the name of the key contact person. Many sites include either the HR person or hiring manager's name and contact information. If not, call the main number of the hospital, ask to be connected to the HR department and ask who the contact is for the position you’ve applied for.
·       Follow-up – Within one week of your application submission, call or email the contact person. Tell him/her you’ve applied, you’re checking to make sure he/she received your application, and ask if there is anything else they need from you to be considered for the job.
·       Follow-up again – This is critical! Every two weeks, call or email. Tell him/her you’re just checking to see where you are in the hiring process. Be professional and considerate.
·       Keep track – Monitor your casts and follow-ups on a spreadsheet. Doing this will keep you on target and remind you when it’s time to pick up the phone.  (I’ve put together a simple spreadsheet that I can share – just email me.)

Getting your first job in your profession requires that you take an active approach – not passive (build it and they will come doesn't work). You CAN get a job. You WILL get a job. The more you “cast your line” in the water, the more likely it is you’ll “catch a fish”!

The good news is that right after I had the “cast and follow” conversation with my daughter, she got a call from one of the schools she “casted”, got an interview and got hired! She just finished her first year as a teacher and is loving life!

Please feel free to email me any questions you have about increasing your chances of getting your first job. I would LOVE to help you succeed!

Thanks for choosing to become a nurse. I'm cheering for your success!


For more great tips, make sure you "like" me on Facebook,"follow" me on Twitter and YouTube and subscribe to my blog. Also, check out my new book on nurse-to-nurse bullying and my new eBook titled, Survive and Thrive: A guide helping new nurses succeed! 

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